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The adult education center of Joensuu Area

If you’d like to study non-formally or just find a hobby, you may find something interesting at the Joensuu Area adult education center. The name is a bit misleading because we have courses for all ages.

The studies at the adult education center of Joensuu Area are open to everybody. Courses start mainly in the autumn and in the beginning of the year, but there are some courses starting along the semesters. You can study a variety of subjects such as computer science, music, sports, dance, manual skills, cookery, drama as well as arts and crafts. Teaching language is mainly Finnish, but in most lessons instruction in English can be made available (check at Customer Service Center). Language studies are also offered, e.g. in Finnish, Swedish, English, German, French, Russian, Spanish and Italian. The course selection varies and is available at the center’s online service, including the infor­mation on course fees and language of instruction (Finnish, unless otherwise mentioned).

Signing up for courses is easiest on our website via online service. Enrollment should be submitted at least a week before the start of a course. Courses start if enough people have signed up (minimum is normally 6–9 persons). If the course does not start, you will be informed about the cancel­lation via text message approxi­mately a week before course should have started.

Customer service center


Papinkatu 3, 80110 Joensuu
Tel. 013 337 5929
Mon–Thu 9.30–13.00
[email protected]

Basic Arts Education for Children

Pekka­lankatu 7 A, 80260 Joensuu
Tel. 050 408 7936
Mon–Thu 9.00–15.30, Fri 9–14
[email protected]

Get study credits in Joensuu Adult Education Centre courses

Study credit courses are an easy way to make knowhow visible. For example, you can share your credits with an educa­tional insti­tution or employer to indicate what you know.